This checklist is for our customers to ensure that we can provide our service to you as safely as possible in this current climate. All points in this list are mandatory following in accordance to the governments guidance on keeping safe and well whilst in a working environment.
These points must be carried out and adhered to prior to our arrival and whilst we are there carrying out the work. If any are not adhered to and our technicians feel that it is not safe to carry out a repair we will discuss what is wrong and give you the opportunity to rectify any issue raised, if this is not reasonably rectified then we have the right to abort the appointment and enforce section 11.2 of our terms and conditions.
It is in everyone’s interest to abide by the guidelines set out for all of us to stay safe and well. You can rest assured that our technicians have gone through strict training prior to returning to work in maintaining social distancing, hygiene, and general housekeeping. Your technician on the day will only be attending your appointment so there is minimal risk of contamination from other properties and households. Our technicians will have the government guidelines at their disposal for our sector for you to view if you are unsure of anything. Please just ask. If you start to feel unwell prior to our appointment, please contact us immediately to cancel / re-arrange.
- Please make sure you are always in a separate room whilst we have a technician carrying out the repair/s and where possible remain at no less than 2 metres away.
- Please make sure all doors to the work area are open, where possible.
- Please ensure all windows are open in areas of work to make it well ventilated.
- Please make sure that the area of work is clear of any loose debris/belongings, clean and disinfected.
- Please do not offer any refreshments.
- Your technician will inevitably have rubbish to removed and will need to be disposed of immediately after finishing the work. Please allow the use of your general household rubbish bin to do this. The lid will need to be opened and closed by yourself.
- Our technician will put on a disposable face mask/covering and disposable gloves before entering the property if working inside. This is purely for precaution and prevention methods.
- Upon finishing, your technician will have a worksheet for you to sign, this will be provided on a clipboard where you will be asked to use your own pen without physically touching the paperwork. We will leave our top copy of the worksheet for you in the room where the repair has been carried out or at your request, we can email the worksheet to you. Please discuss with our technician.
- We can not take cash as payment for works carried out in this current climate. We cannot split the bill between two parties. We must ask the person responsible for making the booking, the payee to honour the bill. We must ask that you pay by bank transfer, via our online payment facility or payment by card, details of which will be provided by your technician.
- In this current climate we must ask that payment is made before we have left the premises.